Spring Green Up
March signifies the transition from winter to spring in Southeast texas. And with spring comes green. You name it - grass, trees, plants and flowers all come to life as warmer temperatures awaken them from their wintery slumber.
If you want to ensure your lawn reaches its peak potential this Spring, here are a few tips.
If your lawn has a thick, brown, thatchy layer, we recommend lowering the mower 2 notches. The reason behind this is to remove all the brown winter stubble your lawn is holding onto. This way, when we fertilize your lawn, new green growth will be the first to emerge. Be sure to raise the mower deck back to its normal settings after this one mowing. Bermuda yards can be kept at a height of 1-2 inches and St Augustine between 3-4 inches. We believe that mowing on the longer side of these recommendations leads to a healthier lawn.
Feed for Green
Feeding your lawn is the key to getting the most out of it. Think about it: if you were hibernating for a few months, you would be hungry when you woke up too. That is why we deliver the nutrients your lawn needs to green up and grow. This is the time of year we select a slow release nitrogen fertilizer, which will encourage new green growth. However, not only do we strive to deliver nutrients to your grass but we also feed your soil to further the self-reliability of your lawn. A healthier soil supports a healthier lawn in the long run.
Next month we will be doing liquid aeration. Liquid aeration encourages efficient air and water exchange between the surface and the root zone, leading to deeper rooting. It shares similar benefits to mechanical aeration, but without the risk of cutting buried lines or cracking irrigation heads. LIquid aeration can aid in the strategic development of a conducive environment for better grass growth and health. Give us a call now to get on the liquid aeration schedule!
Brandon Spiteri
O: 281-375-5100
Weeds and Water
Spring also awakens new weeds. As the temperature warms the soil, conditions begin to manifest for certain weeds. Pre-emergents put down during the winter months will thwart a large number of these, however, some may still break through.To get the most out of your pre-emergent, water deeply and less frequently. By watering infrequently (1-3 times per week), you avoid having excess soil moisture or ponding that germinates more weeds. When the water is in check, the weed population will be lower.